Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lots of Walking

Did I make it to the T-station? Yes! Did I make it onto the T-train and to the Government Center? No... But before I explain that story I'll explain some pictures I took on my way to Kenmore Station, where I intended to buy the elusive MyCharlie Card (a plastic Mass. transport card).

I took Boylston Street again today and walked through the communal Gardens so I could upload some pictures.

After walking through the Gardens I took a bridge over a river or some body of water (part of the Back Bay Fens Park). Right as I got off the bridge there one the side of the road was a Canadian goose eating some grass. It was the weirdest site. Like the Gardens nestled in the chaotic city, here was a large waterfowl just off of a busy intersection eating some grass and not caring who walked by. I would have snapped a picture but the last thing I wanted to do was piss off a large goose right next to an intersection...

After walking around this area I finally navigated to the Kenmore Station and took a very small elevator to the ground floor. Subways are dark, creepy, and overall caves. People were walking swiftly and intensely. I spotted a T-worker at the little stand and inquired about a MyCharlie card. The gentlemen looked up at me and said in broken English, "No Charlie Card today..." After doing a little research apparently they only give the workers so many cards, possibly a handful each day. What kind of system is this?! And the kicker, they are only sold in handful of locations in Boston...but you can buy them online and have them mailed to you...?! Nonetheless tomorrow perhaps when I actually board the train will I be lucky enough to get one. 

With that I decided to explore Fenway/Kenmore a little more. I ended up stumbling on two places. First was Fenway Park. I guess one cannot really "stumble" upon it since it stands out on the skyline. Here are some pictures of it.

After walking past Fenway I continued just taking any street I could and seeing where it led to. I ended up on a really nice street with townhouses on both sides. The street was quiet, clean, and the homes were old-looking and really nice. Without knowing it I had wondered onto Boston University's campus. I was surprised at how quaint it looks. As I passed a tour group I tried to listen in on what the guide was saying about the houses. Apparently some of them are building bought by BU and turned into either offices or student housing. From the outside they looked like they were nice on the inside. After that I walked around the larger BU buildings and got a feel for the campus.

 It's a great campus with a lot of different things going on around it. It is right by Kenmore Station and Square, and it's close to Fenway which means there are all kinds of places to eat around it. It is also right up against the Charles River so there's some breathing room and it's not just building on top of building. Something that I noticed was different between BU and WJ was the diversity. I say that without any disrespect to our diversity clubs or organizations on campus. What I mean is that the student body of BU seemed to be much more diverse than back home (of course some people are roling their eyes saying of course it is, WJ is a small liberal arts school while BU is much larger...blah...blah). While at BU I saw people from all different races and ethnicities, which unfortunately is something we lack at WJ. The appearance of BU just felt much more accepting and encouraging of different cultures. I saw several buildings with non-Anglo sounding names and even some that were in a different language. Perhaps that will never happen at WJ, however I think that we are making strides to change our school and become more opening.

Tomorrow is Round 2 with the T...let's go!

Lesson of the day: Sometimes when things don't go the way you planned, roll with it. It might just help you discover something else!